Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about website development and other services that we provide - Hosting, website promotion, development prices, website development steps, support contract, domains, CMS - Content Management System.

Why does my company need a website?
Due to informational technologies growth, websites become an obligatory tool for promotion of your company products and services.
On the web site, site visitor can get information about company products, read descriptions, view photos and prices. Potential customer will not disturb you or your staff to get basic information, that can be found on your website. You can also sell your products and services online via web-site. When the customer has made his choice, he can place the order and sales manager will get all order information in online mode.
How much does the website cost?
Website cost varies depending on customer requirements and work volume. Payment is done in 2 stages by wite transfer, Paypal or credit card. Before the work is started and advance is paid, the rest of amount is paid after the development is finished.To get the price quote, please use “Request a quote” option .
How long does it take to create a website?
It depends on the website brief and how complex you want your website to be: number of pages, type of pages (Blog Page, or just a simple text page), additional features (forms, banners, shopping cart, polls, etc.). Usually site development takes from 15 to 60 business days.
How is the website developed?
Site development process has the following steps:
- Working out site map
- Concept design
- Slicing concept into HTML
- Programming
- Testing
- Transferring website from developer's hosting onto customer’s hosting
- Customer training
Is it obligatory to buy a support service for my website?
No, you can support your site by yourself.
What is hosting and why do I need it?
Is a type of service, which allows individuals and organizations to make their site accessible via Internet. Hosting conditions may vary depending on contract clauses. We provide high quality hosting services on sercured servers.
What is domain name and why do I need it?
It is site name in Internet, without domain name your site cannot be found.
There domains of different levels: 1-st, 2-nd, 3-rd. For example, in domain name “”, “mysite” is 2-nd level domain, “com” is 1-st level domain. And in name “” “portal” is 3-rd level domain. 2-nd, 3-rd and higher level names are choosing by client, the only requirement is that selected name must not be already busy.
What is Content Management System (CMS) and why do I need it?
It is module, which allows to modify web pages content without having special knowledge and tools. This module allows not only add or edit text on web page and change its style, but also insert pictures, hyperlinks and video.
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